Our Summer PYO will open towards the end of May.
Bookings are required for our busy peak times between June - August, October and December.
To avoid disappointment, we operate a booking system to match the number of visitors to the amount of crops available to pick each day.
As we don't grow crops in greenhouses under controlled conditions, crop availability is heavily influenced by weather conditions, footfall and what customers choose to pick each day.
There are simply too many variables for us to guarantee specific crops will be available all day, every day and we encourage customers to be flexible in what they pick. Generally those picking in the morning each day find the widest selections of crops.
If you only wish to pick a single crop, we recommend checking availability with us directly before booking by emailing us general@crockfordbridgefarm.co.uk
No refunds can be given if individual crops are unavailable.
What's picking today?
(Please refresh your browser to ensure you're viewing the latest version of this page).
Crop availability is heavily affected by weather, footfall and also what customers decide to pick each day. We cannot guarantee any single crop will remain available throughout the entire day. Please only book if you are prepared to be flexible in what you pick.
Crops marked 'Limited' may become unavailable during the course of the day and for the next few days.

Late April

Late June




PYO ettiquette
Crockford Bridge Farm is a working farm and business. We respectfully ask all visitors read the following rules which are a condition of entry. We reserve the right to remove or refuse entry to anyone failing to follow our rules.
- Do not eat our produce before paying at the exit tills. All produce must be paid for immediately upon exiting the picking fields.
- Large bags and buggies may not be taken into the picking fields.
- Receipts must be kept as proof of payment whilst on site. Security checks are in place due to theft.
- We're a working farm and our picking fields are food production areas. Please leave picnics, ball games and sound systems at home or in the park where they belong.
- For your safety, only pick ripe fruit, from the designated, signposted location. Picking unripe crops is a waste of both our crop and your money.
- Digging Carrots and Beetroot - A limited number of forks are available in our field available on a first come, first served basis. You are very welcome to bring your own digging tools to save waiting.
- Flowering crops may not be picked!
- Please pick only what you are prepared to pay for. Prices are displayed at the entrance and our staff are happy to help you work out likely costs etc before you start picking. Unwanted produce cannot be 'returned'. We have to charge you for everything you pick.
- Sorry, dogs are not allowed into our picking fields.
Visiting the farm
- Please be aware that Crockford Bridge Farm is a working farm with noise from machinery and bird scarers, various hazards from tractors and moving vehicles, high pressure irrigation systems and uneven ground. Children and the vulnerable must be supervised at all times.
- Crockford Bridge Farm is private property. Access to the public is permitted only during opening hours. Picking outside of opening hours is not permitted and will be viewed as theft.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Summer PYO Works
1. Make an advance booking by purchasing a Farm Pass (link below). .
2. Visit the Farm on the day of your booking to pick crops. Check in and collect your tokens
3. Crops are sold by weight at the exit till where you can redeem your farm pass*.
*Please note, this does not apply to Pumpkin Picking
Your Farm Pass is a minimum spend. No change or refund is given should you pick less than the value of your Farm Pass or if a particular crop is unavailable.
Farm Passes can only be against Summer PYO produce.
Adults £4 (15 years +)
Children £2 (1-14 years)
Infants - No charge, but please be aware buggies are not permitted into the picking fields.
Crop availability
Our crop calendar provides a general guide to when crops as usually available, but please remember exact dates and availability varies from year to year depending on weather conditions.
Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

Growing Methods
Our farm is one of the few large open spaces left in our surrounding neighbourhood. Despite the ever encroaching urban sprawl, our land actually forms part of the Surrey Metropolitan Green Belt.
Every year we work hard to grow the best quality fruit we can whilst minimising our impact on the environment. We employ highly skilled agronomists who work with us to achieve these aims.
We use an integrated crop management policy which employs natural predators to help with pest control.
Over recent years we have planted extensive new hedgerows to provide natural windbreaks and help encourage local fauna.